Tech Specification

Technologies/Languages/Tools We Support in App 电竞赛事竞猜APP

电竞赛事竞猜APP Area Technologies/Languages/Tools
App 电竞赛事竞猜APP
- iPhone/iPad App 电竞赛事竞猜APP
- 安卓/安卓 Tablet Application 电竞赛事竞猜APP
- Objective-C, Swift (iOS)
- 安卓 Java, Kotlin (安卓)
- React-Native, ReactJS (Cross-Platform)
- Flutter (Cross-Platform)
- With above languages, we are using core frameworks provided in SDK for iOS and 安卓 app development
- Apple Pay
Data Storage Techniques - SQLite - App Local Database (iOS + 安卓)
- Room Database (安卓)
- Core Data (iOS)
- Local Storage (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
电竞赛事竞猜APP Tools + Utilities - XCode (iOS)
- 安卓 Studio (安卓 + Flutter)
- Postman (iOS + 安卓)
- SourceTree (iOS + 安卓)
- SQLite Browser (iOS + 安卓)
- VSCode (ReactNative)
关键特性 - Bluebamboo Bluetooth Printer Integration (iOS)
- Gimbal Beacons Integration (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- PHY Beacons Integration (iOS + 安卓)
- Bluetooth Weighing Scale Integration (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Bluetooth Barcode Scanner (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Various IOT devices
Dependency Manager - CocoaPods (iOS)
- Gradle (安卓)
- Carthage (iOS)
- NPM CLI (ReactNative)
- Yarn Classic (ReactNative)
- PubDev (Flutter)
Payment Gateways ——授权.网
- PayPal (REST API + Adaptive Payments)
- Chase Payment Tech
其他 Core Features - Push Notification (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Map Integration (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Direction and Place API (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- In App Purchase (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- 电竞赛事竞猜APP合集s Integration (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Core Bluetooth API Integration (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Camera / Gallery Integration (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Geofencing (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- TextToSpeech (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Audio and Video Framework Integration (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- 闲谈,聊天 Feature Integration (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Message Kit + CallKit Integration (iOS)
- 安卓 Jetpack (Room, 视图模型, 生命周期, 工作管理器, 偏好, 安卓 KTX, 通知)
- UITest Framework and Unit Testing Framework (iOS)
- 3D Touch and Touch ID (iOS)
- App Extensions (iOS)
- Barcode and QR Code Scanner (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- OCR integration (IOS + 安卓 + 跨平台的)
其他 Third-Party SDK Integration - Google APIs (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- AWS APIs (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Firebase 服务 (Cloud Messaging, 远程配置, Firestore Database, In-App Messaging, 事件, 功能, 等.)
- Firebase ML Kit(Text Recognition, Barcode Scanning, Face Detection)
- Crashlytics (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Layer SDK (iOS)
- QuickBlox (iOS)
- Digits (iOS + 安卓)
- MapBox (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- PubNub (iOS + 安卓)
- MVVM (安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Realm (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
——分支.io (安卓)
—— (安卓)
External Data Console - Bullhorn (iOS + 安卓)
- Ring Central (iOS + 安卓)
- Outlook (iOS + 安卓)
- Clio (iOS + 安卓)
- Zinc (iOS + 安卓)
- Gmail (iOS + 安卓)
- LionFish (iOS + 安卓)
- UPCItemDB (iOS + 安卓)
- LightSpeed (iOS + 安卓)
- Able to retrieve data from any kind of external console that provides REST API or SDK.
Source Control Mechanism ——GitHub
Encryption / Security - AES-256 Bit Encryption for Sensitive Information (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- AES-128 Bit Encryption (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- Native Security For Salt Keys Using NDK (安卓)
- BCrypt Encryption Technique (iOS + 安卓)
Agile Methodology ——JIRA
API Data Transaction - REST API (XML, JSON, 等.) (iOS + 安卓 + Cross-Platforms)
- SOAP API (iOS + 安卓)
Authentication Flow - HTTP Basic Authentication - Tokens
- One Time Password
- auth 2.0
- - - - - - SSO
Coding Standards + Best Practices - API Controller Versioning
- App Versioning
- Proper Naming Convention + Code Commenting
- Token Mechanism for API Access
